We take great pleasure to present you our new image brochure.
The cover was designed by the Swiss artist, Martin Fivian, Bern. It reflects the ideas of our guiding principle, our daily operations. We want to deal with our customers and suppliers in a manner that is characterised by partnership and trust, and provide high quality and innovative systems and comprehensive service. In addition, we want to be a secure and socially-minded employer for our staff. Only a motivated team can satisfy our business partners.
On the following pages you will be introduced to the entire Sulbana Group, including the Sulbana AG principal place of business in Switzerland as well as our subsidiaries Sulbana Oy in Finland and Sulbana Srl in Italy.
You will find our comprehensive product and performance range at the end of the brochure.
Thank you for the trust you have placed in and loyalty showed towards our company to date. We look forward to continuing the successful co-operation.
Sulbana-Imagebroschuere-DE-EN (Download PDF)
A limited number of art prints were personally signed
by the artist Martin Fivian.